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The Principles of Self-Determination

Freedom, which includes the ability of adults with developmental disabilities to exercise the same rights as all citizens: to establish, with freely chosen supporters, family and friends, where they want to live, with whom they want to live, how their time will be occupied, and who supports them; and, for families, to have the freedom to receive unbiased assistance of their own choosing when developing a plan and to select all personnel and supports to further the life goals of a minor child.


Authority, which includes the ability of a person with a disability, or family, to control a certain sum of dollars in order to purchase services and supports of their choosing.


Support, which includes the ability to arrange resources and personnel, both formal and informal, that will assist a person with a disability to live a life in his or her community that is rich in community participation and contributions.


Responsibility, which includes the ability of participants to take responsibility for decisions in their own lives and to be accountable for the use of public dollars, and to accept a valued role in their community through, for example, competitive employment, organizational affiliations, spiritual development, and general caring of others in their community.


Confirmation, which includes confirmation of the critical role of participants and their families in making decisions in their own lives and designing and operating the system that they rely on.

Independent Facilitation Services

You have the option to hire an Independent Facilitator to assist you with the Self Determination Program. The IF is paid by the regional center to assist you in transitioning into the program. An Independent Facilitator (IF) is required to have training in the principles of self-determination and person-centered planning. An IF should be experienced in the types of services and supports available to you in your community

and be creative when developing a plan to meet your person-centered goals. 

Person Centered Planning

Person Centered Planning (PCP) is a discovery process used to search out what is truly important to and about a person and what capacities and skills that person possesses. The plan empowers people to plan their life, find their voice, and work toward reaching their goals. It focuses on strengths, preferences, and capacities for acquiring new skills. A PCP focuses on what a person CAN do versus what a person cannot do. A PCP is a living document that grows with the participant. It provides a roadmap for participants to achieve their goals and for those in their circle of support to help them achieve their dreams. The PCP is the basis for how the budget provided by the regional center will be utilized in the self determination spending plan. Autism Support Community Independent Facilitators are trained in person centered planning. If you are transitioning into the Self Determination Program the cost is covered by the regional center. 

Transition to Self Determination Program

The regional center provides a one-time amount to pay for a client to transition into the Self Determination Program. This amount covers the person-centered plan, negotiating a budget, creating a spending plan, finding a financial management service, supporting at the transition IPP, and setting up new services and supports. ASC Independent Facilitators offer support services from start to completely transitioned into the self-determination program.


Click here for a detailed checklist

for the transition process. 

On Going Support

Click here to learn about our Support Group services we offer.

Click on the button below

to set up an appointment with an Independent Facilitator.

Click here to search for resources.

Self Determination Program

California's Self-Determination Program became available to all regional center participants July 1, 2021.  


California's Self-Determination Program (SDP) provides individuals with autism, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, intellectual disabilities, and other developmental disabilities and their families with more control and flexibility over the services and supports they need. Self-determination is a voluntary regional center program that provides participants with an individual budget, which they can use to purchase the services and supports they need to implement their own person-centered plan.


The Self Determination Program is a significant shift in philosophy. Traditional systems focus on what participants can’t do. They follow a medical based model that people need to be fixed. Self Determination is a civil rights movement that means people with disability choose and set their own goals, are involved in making life decision, self-advocating, and working to reach those goals. 


© 2023 by Kids Charity.

Website designed by Casey Robinson

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Registered 501c3 Non Profit Organization

Located in Glendale, CA

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